I can't compile in D1IM_v7 due Wait for DBQueue Processor

I'm getting a windows message Wait for DBQueue processor and I can't proceed with the compilation.

I checked JobQueue Configuration & some other setting and still the same issue.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix it or what's going on?  Below some screenshots.

Also, I noticed this error in the SQL Server which might be related.

  • You should not start the QBM_PDBQueueProcess_Main SQL Agent job manually. The start will be triggered and monitored by the Watchdog SQL Agent Job.

    It would be helpfull if you could check if your SQL Agent Job where executed at all. You could use the following statements to do that:

    --get the last activity on the schedule.

    --please note: is there is a row where 1st column is not null and 2nd column is null -> a DBScheduler agent is currently running AND NO additional session will be started

    -- check for watch dog is triggered frequently

    SELECT A.start_execution_date, A.stop_execution_date, j.name, j.enabled

    FROM msdb..sysjobs J

    JOIN msdb..sysjobactivity A ON A.job_id = J.job_id

    WHERE j.name LIKE 'QBM_PWatchDog%'+DB_NAME()

    ORDER BY 2,1

    -- check for DBQueueProcess MAIN is executed frequently(dbqueue job distributor)

    SELECT A.start_execution_date, A.stop_execution_date, j.name, j.enabled

    FROM msdb..sysjobs J

    JOIN msdb..sysjobactivity A ON A.job_id = J.job_id

    WHERE j.name LIKE 'QBM_PDBQueueProcess_MAIN%'+DB_NAME()

    ORDER BY 2,1

    In Addition you check if there are any jobs in the DBQueue at all:

    --show db queue entries as used in frontends

    SELECT *

    FROM QBMDBQueueOverview




  • You should not start the QBM_PDBQueueProcess_Main SQL Agent job manually. The start will be triggered and monitored by the Watchdog SQL Agent Job.

    It would be helpfull if you could check if your SQL Agent Job where executed at all. You could use the following statements to do that:

    --get the last activity on the schedule.

    --please note: is there is a row where 1st column is not null and 2nd column is null -> a DBScheduler agent is currently running AND NO additional session will be started

    -- check for watch dog is triggered frequently

    SELECT A.start_execution_date, A.stop_execution_date, j.name, j.enabled

    FROM msdb..sysjobs J

    JOIN msdb..sysjobactivity A ON A.job_id = J.job_id

    WHERE j.name LIKE 'QBM_PWatchDog%'+DB_NAME()

    ORDER BY 2,1

    -- check for DBQueueProcess MAIN is executed frequently(dbqueue job distributor)

    SELECT A.start_execution_date, A.stop_execution_date, j.name, j.enabled

    FROM msdb..sysjobs J

    JOIN msdb..sysjobactivity A ON A.job_id = J.job_id

    WHERE j.name LIKE 'QBM_PDBQueueProcess_MAIN%'+DB_NAME()

    ORDER BY 2,1

    In Addition you check if there are any jobs in the DBQueue at all:

    --show db queue entries as used in frontends

    SELECT *

    FROM QBMDBQueueOverview




No Data