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Attestation: Actions taken by attestator not captured in export report


I am trying to export a report from IT Shop once an attestation policy is completed. But when I click on export as csv/pdf, the exported report does not capture the action taken by the reviewer. Please see the attached screenshot. The information column is not exported in the csv or pdf file. Can someone please tell me how to make the information column viewable in the exported report?



  • Hi Alok,

    this would be done in WebDesigner on an object copy of the component VI_Attestation_EditCases_Default. There are visibility conditions on some of the grid columns. And "variable("%gridexport%")<>'export'" is the one for hiding on the export of the grid. 
    You might want to add to some columns just for viewing them on the export, that would be better than just taking away the condition.


  • Hi Alok,

    this would be done in WebDesigner on an object copy of the component VI_Attestation_EditCases_Default. There are visibility conditions on some of the grid columns. And "variable("%gridexport%")<>'export'" is the one for hiding on the export of the grid. 
    You might want to add to some columns just for viewing them on the export, that would be better than just taking away the condition.


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