• Updating a person in a deferred fashion


    I am using Open Identity Manager 9.2 and would like to ask you how should I proceed with the use case where I need to create a deferred object instead of updating a Person on a Web Portal (PUT /portal/person/reports/interactive) report when updating…

  • How to programmatically add a deferred operation to delete PersonHasQERResource?

    We have a use case to to automatically remove a Resource assignment a week after it was assigned.  I have tried to use a deferred block similar to this forum:  RE: Create a Deferred Event Generation Operation from a Script but I can't find an option to create…

  • Deferred Deletion profiles and Accounts

    Hello everyone, i have a scenario where I have persons and accounts already marked for deletion with default deferred deletion of 30 days.

    Now I have a requirement where I am changing this value to 180 days, I wonder what will happed to employee profiles…

  • Create a Deferred Event Generation Operation from a Script


    We are migrating a client from 6.1.2 to 7.1.1. In their 6.1.2 environment they have a script that creates deferred operations to generate an event for process generation using classes from the VI.DB.DeferredOperations namespace. Here is the code…