• How to develop Custom Composition API

    I'm just started with  Custom Composition API development.

    With the  Custom Composition API development I'm running into a problem.

    if I execute my custom API-Code (which derives from IApiProviderFor<PortalApiProject>)  the "imxClient.exe 

  • Empty attribute on the target system then customize the attribute on One Identity

    I made a connector for a CSV file to manage internal users from HR. I did the mapping for some attributes like first name, last name, email etc.
    How can I set a customized email (ex. FirstName.LastName@email.com) if the email attribute on the csv…

  • IT shop search value


    I have One Identity Manager v 8.1.2, as you know, by default, when you perform a new request into the IT Shop, the search field performs a search on the names of the service items. Is it possible to change the search criteria? I mean, could you…

  • How to create custom help pages in web designer for web portal?


    we tried to export the OOTB help page to update the logo. After updating it externally we again imported it and published it but it didnt work. How can we create/update the pages? we referred below link
