• Active Directory Group management. Version 8.1.4

    Hi everybody,

    I am trying to configure Identity Manager in order to make some employees able to manage Active Directory Groups. I am using 8.1.4 version.

    If I assign "Active Directory" application role to an employee, he will be able to see all the list…

  • Modelling roles in custom target system


    I have a custom target system that I have set up with Scripted Synchronization. I can set up account insert/modify/delete through the scripts without issue. Each account in the system belongs to one and only one role, and that's what I'm having…

  • ADS_ADSGroup_Update Failing on some of the groups in one particular domain with Error.

    We are getting jobs frozen when updating ADS Groups in One of the domain.  We have 3 domains in OneIM... two of them have no issues provisioning any changes.  One domain is having issues on ADS_ADSGroup_Update and sometimes on ADS_ADSGroup_Insert.  below…