• How to bulk import permissions attestations

    Assuming that a campaign of permission attestations has been performed administratively, i.e. outside of the OneIM software, and that we have a CSV file of attested permissions, what is the most efficient method to bulk import this CSV in OneIM?

  • Importing Person table data from current production system to new system

    we currently are running 6.4 and are in the process of migrating to 8.1.2

    We also don't recycle user id's (centralaccount) so I need to import a subset of the data into the new person table, but I'm concerned that if I do it may provision AD accounts…

  • Error during import

    I'm trying to import data from a CSV and from 150 identities I have 57 issues:

    "Error during execution of 'OnGenerate' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EvetsEntityLogic'

    Clicking show --> 

    Error during execution of 'OnGenerate…

  • Write permission denied for value "UID_DialogcolumnQuery"


    We are getting "Write permission denied for value UID_DialogcolumQuery" while importing process, scripts package in version 8.1.1. Can someone please help. Thank you.

  • Need help in configuring a sample application

    Hi all,

    I'm very new to identity manager, can anyone help me how to start with a sample application for creating sync projects, imports data, join accounts, provision and de provision of user accounts, Configure Entitlements and Publish Entitlements…