• Connecting Azure Service Principal with OpenID with API Server not AppServer

    I am currently working on integrating my Azure App with an external API Server using OAuth and have successfully established a user-based connection to the web portal. However, my objective now is to enable service-to-service communication, allowing the…

  • ManagerWeb SSO - Not working

    Hi all,

    we are try to setup OAuth-Single Sign On with Azure for the ManagerWeb.
    We already have successfully setup the SSO for the IdentityManager Web-Portal which works fine.

    If you are open the ManagerWeb-site you will receive an error like:

    Failed to…

  • Redirect URI for Password Web Portal


    We are using One Identity Manager version 8.1.3 and have configured Password Web Portal with Oauth/OpenID(role based) authentication module. Once we authenticate the use ragainst openid, it is redirecting the user to home page instead of redirecting…

  • Too many redirects error with OpenID connect

    Hello ,

    We are integrating 1IM(8.1.3) with with Forgerock AM using Open Id connect . We are receiving the below error

    redirected you too many times.


    WE have two web servers behind a DNS.

    Please let me know if anyone have…

  • how is the clientId being passed to the token endpoint? Is it in header in Authorization? or as part of Body? or Both?

    In an attempt to get token from SSO.  The oneIdentity does a call to /token endpoint of SSO.
    Usually, the client id and secret is passed either as header or as body
    an example:
    /token HTTP/1.1^M
    Connection: close^M
    Authorization: Basic aXNhbXJwOnhKck…
  • Unable to redirect to web portal when it is deployed behind load balancer and "openid" authentication module


    We have two web portals on 2 servers which is deployed behind load balancer. Load balancer used is AWS CLB and sticky session is also configured on CLB. Authentication module used for web portal is openid role based and for openid we have configured…