• Password expired for Viadmin, no AD account linked and password can not be changed.

    Hi OneID comunity,

    I recently fired up my demo environment and the password was expired of the viadmin account when trying to setup a new password i got the following error: 
    "Password policy processing failed. An Active Directory user account is required…

  • AD is getting removed by One idm if group is added manually at Target directly.

    We have using One Idm version 7.1,We have a situation like ,Groups are getting removed by One idm service account in AD if there  groups added directly in AD before.Is it becuase of One IDm version 7.1 bug or not enabling the option "Enable Merging"…

  • Default AD group is not assigning to new users

    I have 5 location based AD attribute and i connected all these to particular location.When a new user came under that location they will get that Groups.

    But unfortunately one DA group is not coming under identity .All other groups are assigning properly…