• Unauthorized when calling Application Server Rest API


    we have strange issue with AppServer Rest API. We are using "DialogUser" authentication module. There are permissions for two custom views and permissions for running script which checks validity of the account on a specific date. External partner…

  • REST API Script endpoint requires active session and does not regard Token sent in Header


    We are currently implementing OAuth2 authentication, specifically so a third party app can communicate with the REST API. The configuration in Designer is essentially done and works when contacting the API endpoints /entity/ and /assignment/.


  • REST API Script - how to determine the authenticated user's username within 1IM Script?

    Would like to know API authenticated user account calling script function so that we can log which account is calling what API script with what parameters, and may be provide finer access control to the script functionality.

    Right now, I see just one…

  • Connecting Azure Service Principal with OpenID with API Server not AppServer

    I am currently working on integrating my Azure App with an external API Server using OAuth and have successfully established a user-based connection to the web portal. However, my objective now is to enable service-to-service communication, allowing the…

  • REST API api/entities/<entityname> response body

    When consuming 1IM REST API endpoint  /api/entities/<entityname> ( being entityname a ReadOnly view)

    on GET request i would like to exclude the ootb attributes marked in brown from the JSON response and return only the attributes within "values" object…

  • how to filter a collection by date column on GET method REST api

    I need to obtain a collection of Person objects filtered by the XDateLastUpdated higher than specific date, for this im using the Where query parameter like this  

    api/entities/Person?where=XDateUpdated>2023-04-19&limit=100, this returns a very b…

  • Write JSON object in a column using the REST API

    I need to store an entire JSON object in column named ccc_jsoncontent with type nvarchar(max) on a custom table using the REST API

    For that i trigger a POST request to /api/entity/<tablename> with this body:

    "values": { 


  • How to get authenticated with OAuth in REST API

    I have implemented a REST-API  with API designer to be consumed by the users to Get and POST data to the system.

    Until now The user authenticates using RoleBasedPerson calling first the POST Request imx/login with their credentials in the Body, e.g.:

  • Filter functionality on additional properties in HandleGetByQuery


    is it possible to get filter functionalities on additional columns by using the HandleGetByQuery method? Lets say i have an endpoint like:


  • API-Designer: Duplicate operationIds in the swagger definition

    When we define API methods like

    builder.AddMethod(Method.Define("obj").HandleGet(qr => "list of objs"));
    builder.AddMethod(Method.Define("obj/{id}").WithParameter("id", isInQuery: false).HandleGet(qr => "single obj"));…

  • The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

    Hi all,

    I have an issue with the Rest API call where I need to provide the certificate (it is the authentication API). I have checked this and other forums, but I can not solve the issue  I was able to establish the connection in the Synchronization Editor…

  • one identity IDM rest API to detach AD account from IDM record

    Dear Sirs

    May someone provide an example of REST API to detach an existing AD account from IDM record, your helps are greatly appreciated

    B Regards


  • Identity Manager IT SHOP integrated with REST API

    How can I create a product request in Identity Manager IT Shop using the REST API?

    I realy need to insert in all tables that are related with ITShop cart and PWO?

    Anyone has a script that help me to find a way to solve this problem?

  • REST-API with ADS user account as Authentication Module --> 401 Unauthorized


    we use the One Identity Manager version 8.0.5.

    We have a first use case that involves using the REST API. In our development and test environment, the REST calls work using the system user as authentication method.
    In production, however, the ADS…

  • Application server is sending RST,ACK packet when API is called from IBM Data Power appliance

    Hi, We are working on version 8.1.3 and we are able to call the REST API from Postman but when we are trying to call it from IBM Data Power appliance, application server is sending RST,ACK packet in response. We do not see any hit from this appliance…

  • Unable to call script API via non system user

    Version - 8.1.3
    Our objective is to call custom script via API from a user with auth module RoleBasedPerson.
    we have done the following steps-
    1) created a program function and assigned our custom script to it.
    2) created a rolebased permission group and…