• EX0Mailbox removal on Outstanding


    Is there a process orchestration step that can check the target system if it exist and if not split the step?

    I need to check if the person has a Exchange mailbox in order to fire the deletion. We have been moving people to remote mailbox and…

  • Powershell Connector and Return ObjectGUID from Target System when Publish Outstanding Object

    When I Publish Outstanding Object, Provisioning works and an account is created in the Target System, but the new ObjectGUID is not returned to IDM. In the meantime, when a new account is created, the ObjectGUID is returned from the Target System and…

  • Doubt regarding outstanding ADSaccount objects

    Hi Fellow Experts,

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    A quick question, I'll be apply a scope filter to only sync 1 OU (at target system side) in synchronization project which will make 95% of the objects Outstanding.

    Now, will deleting the Outstanding…

  • Not Able to delete Outstanding Object from AADUser because of O3EmailUser table object reference IM 8.0.2

    I have created a Process which calls method 'DeleteOutstanding'   for some selected objects of AADuser table which are having Xmarkedfordeletion=2 (Outstanding).

    These objects also have a reference in O3EmailUser table. Not sure why but system throws…

  • Why Outstandings AD objects are created in Dell one.What is the cause for creating object.

    we are using Dell one Idm and we have AD target.When i go to Manager tool->target synchronization;Active directory ,i can see many user and their AD groups .Why these user listed as Outstanding object.

    These user are member of respectice AD groups…

  • Remove ADSAccount outstanding objects



    When we try to delete the outstanding mark from Manager, Manager got frozen while we click on ADSAccount table as we have lots of outstanding objects.


    Is there any way by script or sql to delete ADSAccount outstanding objects without using Manager…

  • ADSAccountInADSGroup inconsistency

    Hi All

    We know some ADAccounts are not in some ADSGroups but anyway the flag xmarkedfordeletion is =0.

    Groups are inherited from business roles and XOrigin attributes shows that (2, or 3 depends on case, inherited anyway).

    We've launched many times initial…