• Empty attribute on the target system then customize the attribute on One Identity

    I made a connector for a CSV file to manage internal users from HR. I did the mapping for some attributes like first name, last name, email etc.
    How can I set a customized email (ex. FirstName.LastName@email.com) if the email attribute on the csv…

  • ServiceNow with Starling Connect - Failure in Initial Synchronization

    Hi Experts

    We hit an issue in running the synchronization project with the Starling Connect and ServiceNow. The User and Group data is well synchronized. However it returned error when performing Phase #2 in the Groups which is about synchronizing user…

  • Does Key Resolution by reference work with XObjectKey?


    We are planning to provide an application with information from the One-IM database.
    Here we have created a custom table - including with a column CCC_DepartmentX, which contains the XObjectKey of the department. 

    Since it is an MSSQL database, we…

  • Understand the default DN syntax the SAP Connector uses for Person


    Trust you are safe and healthy.

    The variable "vrtdistinguishedName" in the mapping "Employee" from the SAP Connector using the HCM employees objects template, generates a default value like "CN=<EmployeeID>,OU=000,OU=…