I am testing the CustomSMS SDK for Password Manager. I need the email to go to telephone@domain.com. Currently, the activity will email the user's email address a code. Is there any way to pass their selected telephone@domain.com?
Here is the PowerShell:
function PostLoad($workflow, $activity)
#Edit this list to specify additional attributes that can contain phone numbers
$PHONE_NUMBER_ATTRS = [string[]] ("telephoneNumber", "info", "mobile")
#Obtain user's phone numbers
$user = $global.GetUserById($workflow.UserInfo.Domain, $workflow.UserInfo.Id, $PHONE_NUMBER_ATTRS)
if ($user -eq $null) {
$workflow.CriticalError([QPM.Common.Scenarios.WorkflowErrorCode]::SystemError, "User not found")
} else {
#Populate "Select phone number" combobox with phone numbers
$i = 0
$num = $user[$_]
#TODO: if necessary, mask and/or validate user's phone number
#Currently, any non-empty number will go
if ("$num" -ne "") {
$num = $num.ToString()
$activity.CustomData["PhoneNumber_$i"] = $num
$activity.Runtime.Controls["ddlPhoneNumber"].Options.Add("PhoneNumber_$i", $num)
$i = $i + 1
if ($i -eq 0) {
#No phone numbers could be used for authentication
function PreExecuting($workflow, $activity)
$phoneNumber= $activity.Runtime.Controls["ddlPhoneNumber"].Text
if ("$phoneNumber" -eq "") {
#Very unlikely - user not selected a phone number
$workflow.ActivityFailure("Please select a phone number")
#Edit this line to specify SMS gateway e-mail address where PIN code will be sent
#$MAIL = "$($phoneNumber)@mysmsgateway.com"
#For test purposes, PIN code will be sent to user's e-mail address
$MAIL = $workflow.UserInfo.AccountInfo.Mail
#TODO: specify passcode length here
$code = $global.GeneratePasscode(8)
$workflow.CustomData["PhoneAuthentication_Passcode"] = $code
#Sending a PIN code
$global.EmailUser($MAIL, "PIN code", $code)