Changing password via VNP

Hi there !

My users are changing their passwords through the Password Manager Client but it is not working.
Is Password Manager Windows Client really the correct process for password change through VPN connected notebook?

Can anybody help me, please? Tks in advance.

  • Hi,

    Can you provide more details?

    1. Are the users using the Secure Password Extension add-on, or are they using the Offline Password Reset?

    2. What is the issue exactly? Is it giving an error?

    3. What version is the back end Password Manager server?

    4. What version is Secure Password Extension and the Offline Password Reset (if used)?

    Thank you

  • Hi Daniel. Here is the answers from client

    1. Are the users using the Secure Password Extension add-on, or are they using the Offline Password Reset?

    A.: Secure Password Extension

    2. What is the issue exactly? Is it giving an error?

    A.: Users are connected via VPN, change password and nothing happens.. no error

    3. What version is the back end Password Manager server?

    A.: Windows Server 2016 Standard

    4. What version is Secure Password Extension and the Offline Password Reset (if used)?

    A.: Secure Password Extension


  • Hi Daniel. Here is the answers from client

    1. Are the users using the Secure Password Extension add-on, or are they using the Offline Password Reset?

    A.: Secure Password Extension

    2. What is the issue exactly? Is it giving an error?

    A.: Users are connected via VPN, change password and nothing happens.. no error

    3. What version is the back end Password Manager server?

    A.: Windows Server 2016 Standard

    4. What version is Secure Password Extension and the Offline Password Reset (if used)?

    A.: Secure Password Extension

