• Password Manager - Workflow email - fetch mail value from extension attribute

    Hi Forum,

    Is it possible in the password manager to use extension attributes to fetch email values for workflow emails ? 

    Workflow emails being the:

    -Email user if workflow succeeds
    -Email user if workflow fails

    Greetings & thanks in advance,


  • Password Manager 5.8 public hotfix now LIVE on the Support portal

    This hotfix addresses an issue where emails for password expiration notifications are not being sent.

    Please review the following KB for full details and the download link:


  • Email Notifications to more than one recipient?


    Is there a method to have Password Manager send the success/failed email notifications to another recipient in addition to the user in question?


    Thank you,


  • Custom workflow - email user random generated password

     Hello guys,


    I have just recently installed One Identity Password Manager version in our test-environment. We see that the existing workflows can not apply to our situation, and need to create a new simple custom workflow. We are looking for…