Directory Assets Import using a CSV file.

What are the exact columns that we need to include when importing directory assets using CSV file? Can you please provide a sample? Thanks.

  • Hi Aalaa,

    It may be easier to add an Active Directory Asset using the + button under Assets if you are only adding a single forest.

    Since there are different options based on what your requirements are, there isn't a common template for everyone but you need at least the following columns to start:



  • Hi Tawfiq,

    Thanks for your reply.

    We have already added an Active Directory asset. What we want to do is importing bulk of domain Windows Servers/Desktops using a CSV file instead of discovering them. And we want to specify a domain account as a service account for those servers in the csv. So, are the mentioned columns are sufficient to accomplish this? And if so, can you please populate them with a dummy data to clarify what should be written in each one of them?

    Thanks again!

  • Hi Aalaa,

    For Windows Server assets the following is a basic example:

    AssetPartitionName = Test-Partition
    ConnectionProperties.ServiceAccountCredentialType = DirectoryPassword
    ConnectionProperties.ServiceAccountId = 1
    Name = WindowsServerHostName
    NetworkAddress =
    PlatformDisplayName = Windows Server
    ProfileName = Test-Partition Profile


    - For Windows Desktop, you would replace the value in PlatformDisplayName  to Windows Desktop

    - For ServicAccountId, you can query the Core API for which directory account you will use and match the Account ID associated with it:

    Login to the SPP API at: https://SPP_IPAddress/service/core/swagger/index.html

    Click Authorize and login with an Admin equivalent user.

    Expand AssetAccounts
    Expand GET
    Click Try it Out

    Filter: PlatformType eq 'MicrosoftAD'

    Fields: id,name

    Click Execute to get a list the Directory accounts and their IDs to use in the CSV template 

    You may also filter by Name eq 'YourADServiceAccountName' and replace with a specific AD account name.


  • Hi Aalaa,

    For Windows Server assets the following is a basic example:

    AssetPartitionName = Test-Partition
    ConnectionProperties.ServiceAccountCredentialType = DirectoryPassword
    ConnectionProperties.ServiceAccountId = 1
    Name = WindowsServerHostName
    NetworkAddress =
    PlatformDisplayName = Windows Server
    ProfileName = Test-Partition Profile


    - For Windows Desktop, you would replace the value in PlatformDisplayName  to Windows Desktop

    - For ServicAccountId, you can query the Core API for which directory account you will use and match the Account ID associated with it:

    Login to the SPP API at: https://SPP_IPAddress/service/core/swagger/index.html

    Click Authorize and login with an Admin equivalent user.

    Expand AssetAccounts
    Expand GET
    Click Try it Out

    Filter: PlatformType eq 'MicrosoftAD'

    Fields: id,name

    Click Execute to get a list the Directory accounts and their IDs to use in the CSV template 

    You may also filter by Name eq 'YourADServiceAccountName' and replace with a specific AD account name.

