I tried to add an Active Directory asset but recieve an error message

this the error message  when trying to add Active Asset on SPP    Some of the provided domain controllers are not acces SRV-AD.SWIFT.SWIFT-DTCI.local :Directory server 'ldap:\\SRV-AD-SWIFT.SWIFT-DTCI.local@swift-dtci.local:389" is not reachable. (60146).

But I could add the same server on SPP as windows server asset using the same service account.

On SPP I have tested connexion doing a telnet on server ip address on port 53,145,389,3389 and got a successful connexion but the NS lookup failed.

  • Hi Martial,

    If NSLookup failed then there is likely a DNS issue, does it work if you specify the Domain Controller using IP address in the Active Directory Asset under connection tab?

    Please note that if Use SSL is enabled then the domain controller field value must match the DC's issued to certificate common name which is normally issued using the DC's Hostname or FQDN
