Safeguard On Demand network doubts

Good morning,

For a configuration of Safeguard on Demand, i need to know how the VPN tunnel works. The VPN seems to have been created in one identity network, therefore is the customer that need to connect to safeguard appliance using the site to site VPN? 
If this scenario is accurate, the customer need to make the entire network available by VPN? Is possible to create a gateway and make only the gateway available by the VPN, diverting traffic internally?

And a second question, is possible to change the IP range to use in the VLAN?

Thank you,


  • For Safeguard on Demand, you would need to provide as part of the initial setup of the VPN configuration, the local network IP address ranges that are allowed, so that SPP and SPS can communicate with these addresses via the VPN Tunnel to the customer's private network.

    You can submit a request to update the allowed address spaces IP range via a support service request if required.

    If you are using Safeguard on Demand Starling edition, then the VPN configurations are self service.
