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Gartner analyst covers all things security, risk and governance

Gartner analyst covers all things security, risk and governance
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Apr. 21, 2016
  • Événement:a la demande
Gartner analyst covers all things security, risk and governance

Don’t pass up your opportunity to watch this webcast. This informative webcast contains great insights from Gartner analyst Brian Iverson, which begins with a simple and pragmatic definition for “what is governance?”

In addition, Brian discusses challenges, pitfalls and recommendations on:

  • How organizations can mitigate the risk of a breach
  • How to prepare for hackers
  • Ways to ensure the right people have the right access
  • Overcoming governance challenges with apps, unstructured data, the cloud and personal devices
  • Breaches that bypass the perimeter
  • Creating a holistic security approach: What are the risks of doing things and not doing things

It can be a difficult task to achieve governance if you don’t have the right solutions. That’s why the second part of this webcast focuses on solutions to help you enhance your identity governance capabilities.

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