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Lunch and Learn (Nordics): Achieve Secure Access to Your Critical Resources with Zero Trust and Least Privilege

Lunch and Learn: chieve Secure Access to Your Critical Resources with Zero Trust and Least Privilege
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jun. 10, 2021
  • Événement:a la demande
Lunch and Learn: chieve Secure Access to Your Critical Resources with Zero Trust and Least Privilege

In this on-demand session, learn how Zero Trust and Least Privilege Can Secure Access to Your Critical Resources. 

With the majority of large organizations using Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD (AAD) to control user permissions and access, it is a primary target of attackers. With the rise of privileged access management (PAM) as an aspect of functions that AD/AAD controls, PAM must be a critical part of any operational and security strategy for privileged resources. 

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