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Workflow: Notify Managers about expiring Users?


We have a requirement to inform Managers of any user accounts which are about to expire (not the password-expiry, but the "Account Expires" date, using attribute "accountExpires").

Idea was to have a Scheduled Workflow which would find the expiring users and then (individually) inform the Managers about their expiring subordinates. Ideally, I'd like that message to use variables to say for example:

Dear 'Manager-First Name',
The account for 'employee name' is about to expire on 'date'

The problem is that the Scheduled Workflow doesn't seem to offer all of the variables a regular Workflow has. For example, I'm unable to add 'Manager' as a Notification recipient and also cannot get it to send an individual email to each manager - and even for a generic message, I cannot get the names of the affected user accounts in the email (it doesn't accept the variables 'Operation.TargetObjectName' or 'Operation.Target["manager"]' which I've used in other, regular workflow notifications).

Any ideas how I can best accomplish this? Any help or pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks; regards,


  • Dear Michiel,

    you can achieve this by running schedule script. script will run daily and will check for the account expiry and send an email notification to respective manager.

    do let me know if you are still looking for the solution.
