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Fine Grained Password Policies

I'm disappointed to see that in ARS 7.2, still, the Generate Password function does not take into account Fine Grained Password Policies.

Has anyone else found a way to get around this? I have different departments that need to have different length passwords and our service desk don't like that the auto-generate function then gives the error saying that it doesn't match the complexity requirements (and I agree it's not ideal)

Looking at the Script Module "Generate User Password" I can see that it's possible fairly easily to force all generated passwords to a longer lengh, but I need it to either check the Fine-Grained Password Policy applied, or to be able to amend it and say something like - if the user is a member of group XXX, then it needs to be Y characters

In PS I'd find this fairly easy, but for some reason Quest still seem to be using VBScripts for this.......

Any suggestions or pointers would be very much appreciated.

  • I agree, a built in password generator would be a great addition, I've recently created a password generator similar to what you are looking for take a look and feel free to adapt it to your needs.



    Zigabyte Fine-Grain Password Generator


    function Get-Password()
    [String]$lSpecialChars = '!$%&/()=?*+#_',
    [String]$lNumberChars = '1234567890',
    [String]$lUpperChars = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ',
    [String]$lLowerChars = 'abcdefghkmnprstuvwxyz',
    [int]$minPassWordLength = 8,
    [int]$maxPasswordLength = 8,
    [int]$numOfLower = 2,
    [int]$numOfUpper = 2,
    [int]$numOfNumbers = 2,
    [int]$numOfSpecial = 2,
    [bool]$mustBeginWithLetter = $True

    # Ensure minPasswordLength -le maxPassWordLength
    if($minPassWordLength -gt $maxPasswordLength){'Minimum cannot exceed Maximum password length';return}

    # Check for Infinite Loop
    if($($numOfNumbers+$numOfLower+$numOfNumbers+$numOfSpecial) -gt $maxPassWordLength){'infinite loop';return}

    # Set Password to null
    $password = $null

    # Set Character Type Counters to 0 Prior to entering Loop
    $uCt = 0;$lCt = 0;$nCt = 0;$sCt = 0

    # Sets Legal Letter Characters
    [String]$lLetterChars = $lUpperChars + $lLowerChars

    # Sets Legal Password Characters
    [String]$lChars = $lSpecialChars + $lNumberChars + $lLowerChars + $lUpperChars

    # Loop to generate Random Password
    for($i = 1;$i -le $MaxPasswordLength;$i++)
    # If first Character Letter is set to True
    if(($i -eq 1) -and ($mustBeginWithLetter -eq $True))
    # Get Random First Letter
    $randomChar = [char](($lLetterChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random)
    $password = $password += $randomChar
    # varible to ensure equal distribution of character types
    $random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 5

    # Get Random Character
    1{$randomChar = [char](($lnumberChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    2{$randomChar = [char](($lSpecialChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    3{$randomChar = [char](($lUpperChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    4{$randomChar = [char](($lLowerChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    default{$randomChar = [char](($lChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}

    #$randomChar = [char](($lChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random)
    $password = $password += $randomChar
    # Count Each Character Type
    if($randomChar -cmatch '[a-z]'){$lCt++}
    if($randomChar -cmatch '[A-Z]'){$uCt++}
    if($randomChar -match "[!$%&/()=?*+#_]"){$sCt++}
    if($randomChar -match '[0-9]'){$nCt++}

    # Check Password to ensure Minimum Password Length and Character Requirements have been met
    if(($password.Length -ge $minPassWordLength) -and (($lCt -ge $numOfLower) -and
    ($uCt -ge $numOfUpper) -and ($nCt -ge $numOfNumbers) -and ($sCt -ge $numOfSpecial)))
    return $password
    # If Password is equal to Maximum Password Length and Minimum Character Requirements have met Return Password, Else Get New Password
    elseif($maxPasswordLength -eq $password.Length)
    if(($lCt -ge $numOfLower) -and ($uCt -ge $numOfUpper) -and ($nCt -ge $numOfNumbers) -and ($sCt -ge $numOfSpecial))
    Write-Output $password


    Zigabyte Corp.

  • I agree, a built in password generator would be a great addition, I've recently created a password generator similar to what you are looking for take a look and feel free to adapt it to your needs.



    Zigabyte Fine-Grain Password Generator


    function Get-Password()
    [String]$lSpecialChars = '!$%&/()=?*+#_',
    [String]$lNumberChars = '1234567890',
    [String]$lUpperChars = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ',
    [String]$lLowerChars = 'abcdefghkmnprstuvwxyz',
    [int]$minPassWordLength = 8,
    [int]$maxPasswordLength = 8,
    [int]$numOfLower = 2,
    [int]$numOfUpper = 2,
    [int]$numOfNumbers = 2,
    [int]$numOfSpecial = 2,
    [bool]$mustBeginWithLetter = $True

    # Ensure minPasswordLength -le maxPassWordLength
    if($minPassWordLength -gt $maxPasswordLength){'Minimum cannot exceed Maximum password length';return}

    # Check for Infinite Loop
    if($($numOfNumbers+$numOfLower+$numOfNumbers+$numOfSpecial) -gt $maxPassWordLength){'infinite loop';return}

    # Set Password to null
    $password = $null

    # Set Character Type Counters to 0 Prior to entering Loop
    $uCt = 0;$lCt = 0;$nCt = 0;$sCt = 0

    # Sets Legal Letter Characters
    [String]$lLetterChars = $lUpperChars + $lLowerChars

    # Sets Legal Password Characters
    [String]$lChars = $lSpecialChars + $lNumberChars + $lLowerChars + $lUpperChars

    # Loop to generate Random Password
    for($i = 1;$i -le $MaxPasswordLength;$i++)
    # If first Character Letter is set to True
    if(($i -eq 1) -and ($mustBeginWithLetter -eq $True))
    # Get Random First Letter
    $randomChar = [char](($lLetterChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random)
    $password = $password += $randomChar
    # varible to ensure equal distribution of character types
    $random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 5

    # Get Random Character
    1{$randomChar = [char](($lnumberChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    2{$randomChar = [char](($lSpecialChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    3{$randomChar = [char](($lUpperChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    4{$randomChar = [char](($lLowerChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}
    default{$randomChar = [char](($lChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random);break}

    #$randomChar = [char](($lChars).ToCharArray() | foreach{[byte][char]"$_"} | Get-Random)
    $password = $password += $randomChar
    # Count Each Character Type
    if($randomChar -cmatch '[a-z]'){$lCt++}
    if($randomChar -cmatch '[A-Z]'){$uCt++}
    if($randomChar -match "[!$%&/()=?*+#_]"){$sCt++}
    if($randomChar -match '[0-9]'){$nCt++}

    # Check Password to ensure Minimum Password Length and Character Requirements have been met
    if(($password.Length -ge $minPassWordLength) -and (($lCt -ge $numOfLower) -and
    ($uCt -ge $numOfUpper) -and ($nCt -ge $numOfNumbers) -and ($sCt -ge $numOfSpecial)))
    return $password
    # If Password is equal to Maximum Password Length and Minimum Character Requirements have met Return Password, Else Get New Password
    elseif($maxPasswordLength -eq $password.Length)
    if(($lCt -ge $numOfLower) -and ($uCt -ge $numOfUpper) -and ($nCt -ge $numOfNumbers) -and ($sCt -ge $numOfSpecial))
    Write-Output $password


    Zigabyte Corp.

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