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Change/replace SIP address from the edsvaOffice365-UserID field

Ill start off by saying I am a complete novice

I would like to change user SIP address with the field edsvaOffice365-UserID

Id also like to be able to update this by OU if possible

I am using Quest Commandlet to pull this information. Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "OU=Path” -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties edsvaOffice365-UserID

How would I script this to take the information in edsvaOffice365-UserID and update the SIP with it?




  • Hey Johnny, Thanks again for the help... the script completed successfully but i noticed the field msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress is now empty for the test users i ran this on. Its like it removed the previous info but did not populate from edsvaOffice365-UserID as it should of. Not sure if this is what i was suppose to run but here is what i ran.

    Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "OU=Path” -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties edsvaOffice365-UserID | %{

    # Clean out the old SIP
    Remove-QADProxyAddress -Pattern "SIP*" -DirObject $_

    $NewSIP = "SIP:" + $($_.'edsvaOffice365-UserID')

    # Put in the new one
    Add-QADProxyAddress -DirObject $_ -Address $NewSIP

    Set-QADUser -identity $_ -objectattributes @{'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress'=$($_.'edsvaOffice365-UserID')}
  • Hey Johnny, Thanks again for the help... the script completed successfully but i noticed the field msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress is now empty for the test users i ran this on. Its like it removed the previous info but did not populate from edsvaOffice365-UserID as it should of. Not sure if this is what i was suppose to run but here is what i ran.

    Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "OU=Path” -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties edsvaOffice365-UserID | %{

    # Clean out the old SIP
    Remove-QADProxyAddress -Pattern "SIP*" -DirObject $_

    $NewSIP = "SIP:" + $($_.'edsvaOffice365-UserID')

    # Put in the new one
    Add-QADProxyAddress -DirObject $_ -Address $NewSIP

    Set-QADUser -identity $_ -objectattributes @{'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress'=$($_.'edsvaOffice365-UserID')}
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