Workflow - Trigger notification if virtual attribute equals x


I would like to create a workflow that triggers a notification when a specific attribute is set to a specific value.

We have created a custom attribute that will hold a specific value that we would like to monitor.

The workflow should work on a schedule that executes multiple times a day.

I created a the workflow and added the following pieces.

  • It is currently not scheduled, but will be scheduled to run hourly, every 4 hours
  • A "Search" that searches the specific virtual attribute for a value of "false"
    • A "Save object properties" that saves properties from the found objects
    • A "Notification rule" that uses the saved properties to then send a notification

    I am just curious if this is the correct way to go about doing something like this? Is there a more straight forward way? (I tried to update pictures but wasn't able to find a way to do so).

    I was also wondering, if I wanted to write a powershell script to handle the notification, is there a way to reference the objects retrieved from the search, then loop through them and then send off an email?

    This is pretty straight forward when doing it through scripts, but I am not sure how to access items from within a workflow.

    Any help, suggestions, or examples would be incredibly helpful!


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