need help to list users with second owner in a csv file


My Problem is, i have to list all Users in a specified OU, with entries in the Second Owner field.

How i can do this and export in a CSV File?

Would be great if someone could help.

Thanks and best regard


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi. 

    Sorry, here is my script. 

    Connect-QADService -Proxy -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Get-QADUser -Sizelimit 0 -searchroot 'OU=example_Accounts_Users_external,OU=Accounts_Users_external,OU=external,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com' -IncludedProperties edsvaSecondaryOwners | Select-Object -Property Name,edsvaSecondaryOwners | Export-CSV -Path c:\temp\UserExport2.csv

    This is my output:

    #TYPE Selected.ActiveRoles.ManagementShell.Data.ArsUserObject
    EXT Lukas,"CN=Matthias,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=internal,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Leonhard,"CN=Matthias,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=internal,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Richard,"CN=Matthias,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=internal,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Klaus,"CN=Matthias,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=internal,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Marian,"CN=Florian - Depro 2020-01-22,OU=Accounts_Disabled,OU=_Disabled,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Dmytro,"CN=Florian - Depro 2020-01-22,OU=Accounts_Disabled,OU=_Disabled,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Robert,"System.Object[]"
    EXT Scrum,"System.Object[]"
    EXT BASE,"CN=Juergen,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=Accounts_Users_internal,OU=internal,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
    EXT Eva,"System.Object[]"
    EXT Gabriel,"System.Object[]"
    EXT Johannes,"System.Object[]"

    Thanks and BR


  • Quick fixes to your select and export CSV:

    Select-Object -Property Name,@{Name="edsvaSecondaryOwners";Expression={[string]::join(";",($_.edsvaSecondaryOwners))}} | Export-CSV -Path c:\temp\UserExport2.csv -NoTypeInformation


    1.  The Name / Expression allows you to take a returned property and do some transformation on it (described below)

    2.  The string/join takes the ...SecondaryOwners list and converts it to a string delimited by semi-colons.


    3.  The "-notypeinformation" gets rid of the message at the top of your output file.

  • Had to edit the above...please re-check online version

  • Hi Johnny

    Thanks for your help! 

    It works for me Smiley  

    Thanks a lot, you saved my day. 

    Cheers Eduard

  • Hi Johnny.

    Short question. 

    What i have to change, when i would get the SamAccountName, Name and DistinguishedName from the Secondary Owners and removing the User OU Paths.

    EXT Dmytro,"CN=Florian - Depro 2020-01-22,OU=Accounts_Disabled,OU=_Disabled,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"   <-should removed.

    Thank You and cheers 


  • I'm not sure I follow 100% - for each Secondary Owner, you would like to show the samaccountname,Name and Distinguished name.  What is confusing me though is that you want to remove the User OU path - this is part of the distinguished name so do you only want the "CN=" part of the distinguishedname shown for SecondaryOwners?

    Something like this?

  • Hi Johnny.

    Thats it!! Exactly like that!! 

    How did you do that? 

    I try some changes, but nothing helps. Would be nice, if you can help me to get the same results.

    Thanks and BR 


  • The above is just an example I put together in Excel.

    The value you want to show as 'SecondaryOwnerName' - what Active Directory user name property(ies) you really want to show?  (See below)

    My point is that 'Name' and 'CN" are always the same value because Active Directory constructs the distinguished name from the combination of the 'Name' and the OU where the object lives.  I showed you the displayname below because as you can see from my example, sometimes its format is different (click the image to make it bigger).

  • Hi Johnny.

    Yes, i know what you mean. 

    My Teamleader, want's to see exactly as you show in your post before.

    He want to see, the User and than the SecondaryOwnerNameSamAccount, SecondaryOwner and SecondaryOwnerDistinguishedName in separeted Row, for all Users. 

    I have tried to get the same results as you have, but i'm not a ps pro.

    For example: (this is handmade in Excel)

    Name SecondaryOwnerSamAccountName SecondaryOwnerName SecondaryOwnerDistinguishedName (CN)
    EXT Cabe Robert Ejanda Eduard Janda CN=Eduard Janda
    EXT Hans Muster Ejanda, Cmuster Eduard Janda, Claudia Muster CN=Eduard Janda, CN=Claudia Muster

    That's what i need.

    The User and their SecOwners. In my example, one User has one SecOwner.

    The other User, has more SecOwners (2 or 3 SecOwners). How i can do that? 

    In your post above, you have the perfect results. Slight smile

    Thanks and Cheers 


  • Here's what I think should work...

    Get-QADUser -Sizelimit 0 -searchroot 'OU=example_Accounts_Users_external,OU=Accounts_Users_external,OU=external,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com' -IncludedProperties edsvaSecondaryOwners | foreach {

    # Store the user we are working on

    $CurrentADUserDetails = $_

    # Process the secondary owners and build the additional output fields

    $CurrentSecondaryOwners = $CurrentADUserDetails.edsvaSecondaryOwners

    $CurrentSecondaryOwners | foreach


    $CurrentSecondaryOwnersItem = $_

    # Get the samaccountname of the current Secondary Owner from the list of SecondaryOwners

    $CurrentSecondaryOwnerSam = $(Get-QADUser -Identity $CurrentSecondaryOwnersItem).samaccountame # Results in 'JSmith'

    $SecondaryOwnerSamList += "$CurrentSecondaryOwnerSam;" # Results in 'JSmith;FJones;'

    # Format the CN of the Secondary Owner

    $SecondaryOwnerCN = $_.split(",")[0] # Results in 'CN=John Smith'

    $SecondaryOwnerCNList += "$SecondaryOwnerCN;" # Results in 'CN=John Smith;CN=Fred Jones;'

    # Strip 'CN=' off the CN to get the 'Name'

    $SecondaryOwnerName = $SecondaryOwnerCN.replace("CN=","") # Results in 'John Smith'

    $SecondaryOwnerNameList += "$SecondaryOwnerName;" # Results in 'John Smith;Fred Jones;'

    } # End of secondary owners processing

    # Export the output

    $CurrentADUserDetails | select Name,@{Name="SecondaryOwnerSamccountName";Expression={$SecondaryOwnerSamList}},`
    # Each item below builds a field name and its contents for the file
    @{Name="SecondaryOwnerDistinguishedNameCN";Expression={$SecondaryOwnerCNList}} | Export-CSV -Path c:\temp\UserExport2.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append

    } # End of outer Users loop