Script to create dynamic group

Hello ;)

Do you know if it's possible to use a script to create Dynamic group?

Or by using a activity in a Workflow?

Thanks ;)


Top Replies

  •  Hi  

    Yes it is totally possible to create Dynamic Groups via a script, which would also mean with the correctly written script your can do this via a workflow.

    The process for converting a dyanmic gorup…

  • Hi  

    This is by design, however it is configurable. 

    In the  "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" Administration Policy, the policy settings has by default a check in "Include only mail-enabled users in…

  •  Hi  

    Yes it is totally possible to create Dynamic Groups via a script, which would also mean with the correctly written script your can do this via a workflow.

    The process for converting a dyanmic gorup is very similar to that of programmatically creating a Managed Unit, just binding to a group object, instead of a managed unit object.

    ### Variables
    # DN of target Group to covert
    $GroupDN = "CN=Group1,OU=MyGroups,DC=Test,DC=Domain,DC=com"
    # Membership Rule variables
    $RuleSearchRoot = "OU=MyUsers,DC=Test,DC=Domain,DC=com" #BASE
    $LDAPFilter = "(|(objectClass=user)(Department=ARS Team))" # FILTER
    ### Code
    $EDMSstring = "EDMS://$($GroupDN)"
    $GroupObject = [ADSI] $EDMSstring
    $RuleCollection = $GroupObject.MembershipRuleCollection
    # Create a new Include by Query rule
    $rule1 = New-Object -ComObject "EDSIManagedUnitCondition"
    $rule1.Base = "EDMS://$($RuleSearchRoot)"
    $rule1.Filter = "$($LDAPFilter)"
    $rule1.Type = 1 
    # Add the newly created membership rule to the rule collection
    "Rule added"

    For other rule types, have a look within the Active Roles SDK under IEDMMembershipRule, which will give you more information (in VBScript) on what values are expected, IE:

    Hope this help.

    Kind regards


  • So, I'm using the above script (modified for my environment of course), and I get to the '$RuleCollection.Add($rule1)' part and I get the following error:

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objRuleCollection.Add($oBaseIncRule)
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At line:1 char:1
    + $objRuleCollection.Add($oBaseIncRule)
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

    and when I look the $ObjRuleCollection object only has the following:

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objRuleCollection


    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objRuleCollection |GM

    TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSMethod

    Name MemberType Definition
    ---- ---------- ----------
    Copy Method System.Management.Automation.PSM
    Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
    GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
    GetType Method type GetType()
    Invoke Method System.Object Invoke(Params Syst
    ToString Method string ToString()
    IsInstance Property bool IsInstance {get;}
    MemberType Property System.Management.Automation.PSM
    Name Property string Name {get;}
    OverloadDefinitions Property System.Collections.ObjectModel.C
    TypeNameOfValue Property string TypeNameOfValue {get;}
    Value Property System.Object Value {get;set;}

    Neither the $objGroup line, nor the $objRuleCollection liens are giving any errors.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objgroup

    distinguishedName :
    Path : EDMS://Sanitized\Newgroup_Dynamic_Users

    PS C:\Windows\system32>

    Anyone have some clue-bits they want to share?

    Thank you,


  • EDMS://Sanitized\Newgroup_Dynamic_Users

    object name need to be in DN format:


  • I'm still getting the same result. It successfully creates a group, but it does not add the rules, and the $objGroup.MembershipRuleCollection is still empty, or seemingly non-existent:

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objGroup

    distinguishedName : {CN=NewGroup_More_Dynamic_Users,OU=Sanitize,DC=Sani,DC=Tized}
    Path : EDMS://CN=NewGroup_More_Dynamic_Users,OU=Sanitize,DC=Sani,DC=Tized

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objRuleCollection.Add($oBaseIncRule) #Fails - ObjRuleCollection object does not have an "Add"
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At line:1 char:1
    + $objRuleCollection.Add($oBaseIncRule) #Fails - ObjRuleCollection obje ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objRuleCollection.Add($oScndRule) #Fails - ObjRuleCollection object does not have an "Add"
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At line:1 char:1
    + $objRuleCollection.Add($oScndRule) #Fails - ObjRuleCollection obje ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

    PS C:\Windows\system32>
    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objGroup.MembershipRuleCollection
    PS C:\Windows\system32> $objGroup |GM

    TypeName: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry

    Name MemberType Definition
    ---- ---------- ----------
    ConvertDNWithBinaryToString CodeMethod static string ConvertDNWithBinaryToString(psobject deInstance, psobject dnWithBinaryInstance)
    ConvertLargeIntegerToInt64 CodeMethod static long ConvertLargeIntegerToInt64(psobject deInstance, psobject largeIntegerInstance)
    cn Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection cn {get;set;}
    distinguishedName Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection distinguishedName {get;set;}
    dSCorePropagationData Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection dSCorePropagationData {get;set;}
    groupType Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection groupType {get;set;}
    instanceType Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection instanceType {get;set;}
    name Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection name {get;set;}
    nTSecurityDescriptor Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection nTSecurityDescriptor {get;set;}
    objectCategory Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection objectCategory {get;set;}
    objectClass Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection objectClass {get;set;}
    objectGUID Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection objectGUID {get;set;}
    objectSid Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection objectSid {get;set;}
    sAMAccountName Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection sAMAccountName {get;set;}
    sAMAccountType Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection sAMAccountType {get;set;}
    uSNChanged Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection uSNChanged {get;set;}
    uSNCreated Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection uSNCreated {get;set;}
    whenChanged Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection whenChanged {get;set;}
    whenCreated Property System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection whenCreated {get;set;}



  • So, it may be a version problem. On the two "local" servers we seem to have version 7.0 of Quest Cmdlets installed, while on two other servers we seem to have version 7.4. The script as written works* on the servers with the 7.4 cmdlets.

    *More or less anyway, I now get "An invalid directory pathname was passed" when I do the  $objGroup.SetInfo(). There is something wrong with my second rule, if I only try to add the first rule, it works.

    Thanks everyone

  • Are you appending for your second rule to your Rule Collection before you do your SetInfo()?

  • (Was typing too fast above)

    I believe you need to build your full Rule Collection before committing it using SetInfo() - you don't commit the rules individually.

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