upgrade to 7.4.5 / prerequisite software

Hi all,

I try to upgrade from 7.4.4 to 7.5.5 but failing on the prerequisite software installation.
Upgrade from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4, I did a /quiet install therefore I've skipped the prerequisite installation, but now I need the azure stuff in ARS, so I want to do it the right way.

As the server doesn't have any internet connectivity, I've downloaded the nupkg packages and unzipped them to the modules folder of PowerShell, that worked so far for MS Teams etc.
The only two remaining packages are: Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module and AZ (azure az) module, although I did the same as for all the others above, it stills shows as "please install prereq software" when starting the ARS install/upgrade.

I've used the following nupkg packages:

(took the v.2.0.5)
PowerShell Gallery | ExchangeOnlineManagement 2.0.6-Preview3

(took 6.6.0)
PowerShell Gallery | Az 6.6.0

PSVersion: 5.1.14393.4583  
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

I've installed the package with this steps:
Manually install a module from the PowerShell Gallery – PowerSQL – Bringing PowerShell and SQL together for the best of both worlds. (randomnote1.github.io)

Thanks for your support,

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