Is it possible to customize the Group Members and Add Members page to show additional columns as default view for all users?

We would like to customize the Members page of the Group Management site to display an extra column or two, but it doesn't have a Customize button. Is it possible to customize that page and set a default view for all users?

We would also like to do the same thing for the Add Member window from within the Members page for groups.



  • I would also be interested in a solution on this. So let me know if you have found out already. Slight smile

  • I think I've found the right setting now:
    Customization --> Directory Objects --> Container --> View Contents --> Displayed attributes --> add Display name or whatever you need.
    But this works only when searching objects while using the AD tree, not for the search bar, I guess there must be a similar setting for this, but I didn't find it yet.

  • Unfortunately, this is not exactly what we're looking for. We would like to add the Display Name to the Managed Resources page (aka My Groups) page as well as the object picker page used when adding Members to the group.

    Go to My Groups, click the Members link on the right hand side to get the member list. You may then click the Add button to get the object picker. We know that you can click the hamburger "menu" button and add columns, but we would like to set some columns to be default for all users.

