• Adding contacts to a distribution list

    Using ARS 7 through the web interface, users are unable to search for contacts when adding objects to a distribution list. Users can find the contact in the global search, click the contact's "member of" and add the group that way but when adding a contact…

  • Access template permissions after group add/removal

    We're working on implementing ARS 7.0 (clean install) after having 6.9 for quite awhile. We've kind of hit a snag with our elevated permissions.


    We have workstation support that uses temporal membership to "elevate" themselves into a group that…

  • Updating EDS_CONTROL_OBJECT_DN Not Working - ARS 7

    I've created a workstation deprovisioning policy, this policy changes properties, disabled and moves a workstation to a deprovisioned OU. This isn't a form policy, it's an attribute setter command. It flips a boolean to true which kicks off the policy…