• Unable to modify attribute in onPostCreate


    I am trying to modify the attribute ""edsvaSendAsTrustees" in $DirObj in the function onPostCreate. My PowerShell function that is called in the onPostCreate looks like this:

  • Can't Access Saved Object Properties from Script / Counter Returns Empty


    We're trying to create a workflow that counts every time a user enables or disables another user every day (workflow trigger is the modifivation of edsaAccountIsDisabled). (the counter resets every day.) If the counter reaches 20, the action requires…

  • Pull a value out of policy or enforce a policy on one user.

    My goal is to look at the policy applied to an object and pull a value the policy would set.

    Specifically, I'd like to pull homePath and homeDirectory out of the Home Folder and AutoProvisioning Policy applied to a user object.

    This looks close to…

  • Temporary group membership

    HI,  I would like to add a group by midnight through a script, I know the GUI has the setting to set date and time but how would I do it using a script.


    Add-QADgroupmember -identity "groupname" -member $ADuser   (tonight at midnight)

  • New-QADUser cmdlet Issue when logging the account creation event

    So when using the new-qaduser cmdlet, see below, The Event Log for event 4720 on the DC its connecting to to create the user account shows:

    Security ID: Domain\testing3
    Account Name: $2RG100-UU7PKQ1Q51GA
    Account Domain: Domain

    SAM Account…