Primitive practices leave organizations’ critical assets vulnerable to attacks
Too often, organizations take an approach to protecting their critical assets, such as customer data and intellectual property, that is — in a word — primitive. Many organizations around the world are still in the Stone Age when it comes to privileged account management (PAM) and rely on antiquated tools – such as paper logbooks – and processes to manage access to their most important resources.
That’s what One Identity’s global survey of more than 900 IT security professionals reveals. Despite the availability of tools that close these security gaps, such as One Identity Safeguard, it doesn’t seem that PAM processes have evolved to keep pace with modern threats. Here’s a few key findings from the survey:
- One in five respondents admit to using paper-based logbooks to manage privileged passwords
- Only 14 percent use tools to identify privileged users
- Fifty-seven percent of IT security professionals admit to only monitoring some privileged accounts, or not monitoring privileged access at all
- One in three report they cannot consistently identify individuals who perform admin activities
This is just a sampling of what our survey covered. As you can see, many organizations struggle with PAM best practices. What are some measures that you can take to bring your PAM practices into the modern world?
- Automate processes for privileged accounts
- Unify their approach to eliminate inconsistencies
- Monitor and record privileged account activities
- Bring individual accountability to admin users
See the complete survey findings to see common challenges faced by organizations today, compare your practices to others from around the world, and then learn what you can do to better protect your critical assets from modern threats.