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Identity Manager 7.0.1 - DBQueue Company Resource Assignments

After running various updates in Manager a process in the DBQueue fires called 'Company Resource Assignments'. While this is expected the fact that it can take several hours to process a couple of hundred updates isn't. Has anyone any experience of this kind of slowness or suggestions as to why it would be running so slowly? It's currently running about 20,000 updates and has been running for 19 hours. We have seen this numerous times. 

  • We are on 7.02 now and it seems faster than 7.01 but i still think this takes to long. Have not done large assignements of resources to departments lately. 7.01 to 7.02 was an easy upgrade.
  • We are on 7.02 now and it seems faster than 7.01 but i still think this takes to long. Have not done large assignements of resources to departments lately. 7.01 to 7.02 was an easy upgrade.
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