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Database Transporter - Unable to import transport file consisting of reports created in Report Editor


We developed reports with Report Editor in a non-prod environment and created a transport file using a change label. Our goal is to migrate these reports to production, but we have to test importing the transport file in a non-prod environment. Currently, client does not have another working non-prod environment besides the one where we developed the reports. Thus, we deleted the reports and imported the transport (zip) file back to the environment.

Here is the description of the transport zip file:



The errors are shown below when the process is executed:


*Please right click and select open link in new tab if the pictures are not clear


The account we used to import had the standard Report_EditRights permission group assigned.

We have also tried ignoring the errors when we import the file, and although the same errors were shown, the reports showed up in Report Editor in the same non-prod environment and produced correct results.

Has anyone experienced similar issue? Or can anyone advise if you have any suggestions on how to test and migrate it properly?