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Web Designer: Interacting with Grid filters


Can anyone provide insights on how to handle the new Grid / Grid Band components correctly?

Specifically, I'd like to:

  1. Have Filters on columns containing additional properties (defined in WebDesigner) within "Database (automatic load)" data source GridBands.
    It seems this is only possible with "Collection" source GridBands (?).
  2. Access which rows are currently visible after applying a filter ("Collection" bands). I.e. accessing the contents of the Grid as opposed to the contents of the collection (the primary goal is to  provide a "select all/none" control - filters are breaking my attempts).
  3. Access the properties of the built-in search field (contents, update events)  of a grid.

I believe 1. is not possible at all, but 2. and 3. might be doable using Code Literals.
Or maybe I am missing something and it's much easier?

  • Hi,

    1. Correct, this is not possible. The reason is that you would need to load the entire table from database in order to then calculate the additional property for each row. And this will never scale well.

    2. You may be able to use the built-in multi-select checkbox. Otherwise, take a look at the IsInIteration function which returns which rows are currently being displayed in a grid.

    3. You may be able to locate the search text box via javascript. Whether or not that's useful depends on what you want to do with the properties.

    Hope this helps

  • Hanno,

    thanks for your answers, they helped a lot!

    The hint regarding multiselect checkbox was golden, I was actually trying to implement this myself, not knowing there was a standard component for it.
  • Apologies for hijacking the thread, but I'm also trying to do a "Select All" functionality within a grid. The checkbox works, but it only selects the objects currently in view. In my grid I have 10 entries per sheet, but after a filter is applied there are many entries after the first sheet which do not get selected using the checkbox.

    Is there any documentation on how to use IsInIteration?

  • Hi,

    All WebSQL functions are documented in OneIM_QER_WebDesignerModel.chm.


  • Thanks Hanno, I tried that function but it also only returns the rows which are in the current page of the grid (i.e. in the view).

    I suspect there's no way to be able to select all filtered elements within the grid (even if they are not "on the screen")?
  • Not really. The IsInIteration function specifically exists to obtain the rows that are visible to the user.