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Default AD group is not assigning to new users

I have 5 location based AD attribute and i connected all these to particular location.When a new user came under that location they will get that Groups.

But unfortunately one DA group is not coming under identity .All other groups are assigning properly. I did not find any problem with that group.

How can i check this error.This problem hovering me all the time.Please help me to resolve it.

Parents Reply
  • I can see for setting up deafult AD groups for different location under Manager tool ->Organusations ->Location -> select anyparent location ,there is Table box consist of "IT Configuration setting " and when i open the box i could see "IT Operating data and its value " like  "ADSAccount - UID_ADSContainer ='xxxx' and ADSAccount - UID_HomeServer ='xxxx' ..

    what is that actually implies.
