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AD is getting removed by One idm if group is added manually at Target directly.

We have using One Idm version 7.1,We have a situation like ,Groups are getting removed by One idm service account in AD if there  groups added directly in AD before.Is it becuase of One IDm version 7.1 bug or not enabling the option "Enable Merging" Configure tables for publishing in AD,

Please help me.It is annoying all the time

Parents Reply
  • According to the NLOG documentation, you do not need a restart (globallog.config contains autoreload="true").

    Automatic reconfiguration

    The configuration file is read automatically at program startup. In a long running process (such as a Windows service or an ASP.NET application) it’s sometimes desirable to temporarily increase the log level without stopping the application. NLog can monitor logging configuration files and re-read them each time they are modified. To enable this mechanism, you simply add autoReload="true" parameter to the configuration file.

    <nlog autoReload="true">

    Note that automatic reconfiguration supports include files, so each time one of the included files is changed, the entire configuration gets reloaded.

    Just to make it explicit, automatic reloading will NOT stop/recycle the IIS Application Pool.
