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Creating Attestation Policy in Web Portal v8.0.1

So I'm trying to create a custom attestation policy in the web portal and I'm finding that I'm only getting access to the OOB attestation procedures, approval policies, etc.  I cannot select the custom ones I created in Manager.  Is this by design?  It seems you can only customize the schedule and selection of objects of already existing attestation policies/procedures.

  • Did you add the proper metadata to your custom attestation procedures and approval policies? You need to add the procedures to an attestation type and assign the approval policies as selectable to the attestation procedures.

    Here some screenshots of my custom attestation procedure Attestation procedure of Mailbox.

  • Yes, I had both an attestation type ("System entitlement memberships") assigned as will as an approval policy.  I thought that maybe I needed a custom attestation type assigned so I tried that as well.  Still no luck.  My custom attestation type showed in the web portal, but my procedure was still missing.  Am I missing anything else?

  • You are right, I forgot, you need to create and assign at least one Attestation wizard parameter to your custom attestation procedure. Remember that all attestation policies built in the web portal are not using free SQL conditions but are built internally based on the selected parameters and options.

    This was done to ease the creation and implementation of attestation policies for the most frequently used cases.

    To add an attestation wizard parameter to an attestation procedure, you need to create a new entry in the table AttestationWizardParm with the ObjectBrowser.

    I am going to demonstrate this for the simplest use case of a parameter without options for my mailbox attestation, which would be a parameter All mailboxes.

    The condition snippet will be used to build the where-clause by the wizard when it creates the policy.

  • That was it Markus.  Thank you.