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Active Directory Provisionning

Hello Everyone, 

Thanks in advance for your answers.

I have a problem with the AD Provisionning (Target Synchronization).

I don't know how to create a kind of CheckBox on "Create User Account" Form via Manager Application (also via Web Portal), to specifiy  if the CheckBox is Checked then Write for example "Hello" into one AD Attribute (for example the attribute "Info")

Could you help me please ? 

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  • Thanks for your feedback,

    I was able to bring up the CheckBox on the form (One Identity Manager) and match it to an attribute of my root AD. However, the goal is to modify an attribute of type string by checking the attribute of type boolean.

    What I understood is that by defining a column of type Boolean in a table, it automatically impacts the User Form connected to this table (Boolean gives a CheckBox), now I look for the way to use the value of the Boolean (One Identity database) to automatically modify another column of the same table.

    I thought to create a Job Sql that each modification of the Boolean automatically updates the string value of the other column ... then I can map the string type column with the attribute that interests me in my AD root.

    Do you have any suggestions or tutorials that can help me?

    However being student training is not my first option even if it remains the best one for sure

  •  now I look for the way to use the value of the Boolean (One Identity database) to automatically modify another column of the same table.

    You should use value templates (or short templates) to achieve that.