AdhocProjection works for Insert but not for Delete

I have a custom process on UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB that calls and runs Sync project workflow.

It works for Insert event.

I have another workflow for deletion with the same mapping just processing is set to just delete in target system.

I run the Process, synchronization is called but in the logs I do not see any action (no delete action).  It always tries Insert action!

How to set adhoc projection step to be able to delete object ? 

Parents Reply
  • I thinkYou are right. I see that object state in CausingEntityPatch for object deleted in UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB  is 

    <Data State="Loaded, PermissionBased" />

    ...observing normal action I see that state is 

    <Data State="Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical" />.

    I tried to "hardcode" the entity patch with Data state change to "Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical"  but it did not do anything again!

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