A "Recalculate approvers" task is stuck in DBQueue


We have a "Recalculate approvers" task in DBQueue that stuck there for several days. Other tasks appears and disappears but this one is present in queue all the time with the same parameters. And the approvers does not looks recalculated.

  • As per your screen shot we can see that this DBQeueue task is getting reset. This could mean that there is a job in the job queue it is waiting on, another resouce has a lock on the table it is trying to access or a synchronization is running. My bet is that it is waiting on a job queue task to complete and that job is possibly frozen with an error. I would also check the dialog journal to see if it has any errors relating to the DBQueue recalculate approvers task in question.

  • Thanks. After removing all FROZEN jobs from a job queue the task "Recalculate approvers" was executed. 

    Although we had only 4 FROZEN jobs of two types:

    1) VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step granted

    2) VID_Execute_DialogDeferredOperation

    and I find it weird that they affected "Recalculate approvers"  task

  • Thanks. After removing all FROZEN jobs from a job queue the task "Recalculate approvers" was executed. 

    Although we had only 4 FROZEN jobs of two types:

    1) VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step granted

    2) VID_Execute_DialogDeferredOperation

    and I find it weird that they affected "Recalculate approvers"  task
