How does mailbox deprovisioning work?

Using v8.1.1. I'm looking at the Exchange module and in the administration guide it says the following happens when a mailbox is deleted:

When you delete a mailbox, Do not display in address lists is enabled and the mailbox is no longer shown in address books. In addition, the settings Use default database valuesMax. send size [KB]Max. receiving size [KB]Prohibit transfer above [KB] and Prohibit send at [KB] are reset, so that no email messages can be sent or received with this mailbox.

But I can't find where this is configured. The Process Orchestration for the delete of the mailbox just triggers an ad-hoc projection and there aren't any templates that execute the above behaviour. So how does One Identity execute the above?

  • Please take a look at the OnSaving-Script of the mailbox table.

    The logic is implemented there and a snippet looks like this.

    ' Behavior, when mailbox enters delete delay
    If $[IsDeleted]:Bool$ And Not CType($XMarkedForDeletion[o]:Int$,XMarkedForDeletion).HasFlag(XMarkedForDeletion.Delayed) Then
                Base.PutValue("HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled", True)
                Base.PutValue("UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults", False)
                Base.PutValue("ProhibitSendQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("ProhibitSendReceiveQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("IssueWarningQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("MaxSendSize", 1)
                Base.PutValue("MaxReceiveSize", 1)
    End If

  • Please take a look at the OnSaving-Script of the mailbox table.

    The logic is implemented there and a snippet looks like this.

    ' Behavior, when mailbox enters delete delay
    If $[IsDeleted]:Bool$ And Not CType($XMarkedForDeletion[o]:Int$,XMarkedForDeletion).HasFlag(XMarkedForDeletion.Delayed) Then
                Base.PutValue("HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled", True)
                Base.PutValue("UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults", False)
                Base.PutValue("ProhibitSendQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("ProhibitSendReceiveQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("IssueWarningQuota", 1)
                Base.PutValue("MaxSendSize", 1)
                Base.PutValue("MaxReceiveSize", 1)
    End If
