Pending attestation Page shows two options. How to get rid of it?

One Identity Version 8.0.1

If I am assigned as approver/product owner for multiple Attestation Policy and I click on Pending attestation tab on the Web Portal. It's forwarding me to a page where I see two options of 'User Accounts' and 'System Entitlements'. How can I get rid of this landing page and directly land the page where the user just can see the pending attestation cases.

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  • Hi Hanno, thanks for your Reply,

    Yes true, but ist hidden in the lower corner.
    I'd rather like the policy view to be the default. Imagine people having to Attest like 100+ Role assignments, have go through every single Role object?
    Ist better to give them a view by policy like "Role Assignment Attestation" and the drill down and they now what they have To do immediately.

    So I'm asking more for an idea on how to make that View by Attestation Policy view the default view.

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