Prepare Environment for Upgrade - DBQueue issues??

Currently on 8.1.0. Trying to get to 8.1.2.  Current issue is that the 'Clean Up Product Nodes in IT Shop' is blocking the DB Queue.

Taken a back up of Production. Restored to Dev, as it's a good idea to have a copy of production info/data/ to validate the migration path and don't know if there is an easier way to just get the core production designer process/scripts, rather than a full Prod back up and restore.
Have completed a deep delete of the domains etc took 24hrs+ to complete.
Have sync'd Dev Domains and Data etc
The 'Clean Up Product Nodes in IT Shop' is blocking the DB Queue as it processes these a few a minute and has been preventing other items in the QBqueue from running. Began with 155 and a week and a half later there are still 100 'Clean Up Product Nodes in IT Shop' to process.
The DBqueue process creates these type of individual jobqueue entries: "SQLStmt delete PersonInBaseTree where (XObjectKey in ('<Key><T>PersonInITShopOrg</T><P>1A284969-822A-40F7-8D24-9E38C8501</P><P>19914e0b-54af-445e-8544-f70abdc6a</P></Key>')) and ( XOrigin = 0 )"
Trying to get over this hurdle which if left to it's own, appears that it will take another 2 weeks to self clear.
Any advice/thoughts?

  • Hi,

    Where are you with this?  Still processing?

    The task 'QER-K-OrgAutoChild' runs until all calculations for the IT Shop shelves are finished.  The task is triggered each time an update or insert of an assignment of account/user to group/membership for each target system is executed. The task starts for those shelves which have a product with group assignment.

    Are you still running syncs?  Is the system still in use for user creation and so on?

    You may want to open a service request with Support so we can assist and dig a little deeper.


  • Hi,

    Where are you with this?  Still processing?

    The task 'QER-K-OrgAutoChild' runs until all calculations for the IT Shop shelves are finished.  The task is triggered each time an update or insert of an assignment of account/user to group/membership for each target system is executed. The task starts for those shelves which have a product with group assignment.

    Are you still running syncs?  Is the system still in use for user creation and so on?

    You may want to open a service request with Support so we can assist and dig a little deeper.


  • Hi Trevor. 

    We had a ticket open for the 'Clean Up Product Nodes in IT Shop' blocking our DBqueue in different scenarios, but we were told and we'd have to upgrade to get the fix in 8.1.2, as it was not possible in 8.1.0.

    So the issue we're trying to resolve by upgrading is blocking our upgrade path. 

    In the end after waiting 2 weeks, we just attempted the upgrade in DEV, ignoring the notification that the DBqueue/JobQueue be empty before proceeding.