Attribute templates on INSERT/UPDATE in verson 6

Hello guys,

I'm working with the Q1IM version 6.1.4 and I'm stuck in my template scripting for a custom Person attribute (made by the schema extension tool). The goal is to:
- set a default value for this attribute when a new Person is created
- set an another value only if the Person becomes inactive
My custom attribute has a defined list of values(0,1..etc)

Here is my template script:
If Not $[IsLoaded]:Bool$ Then
Value = 0
Else If $IsInactive[c]$ Then
If $IsInactive:Bool$ Then
Value = 1
End If
End If

It doesn't work for the creation (Person INSERT), but it works perfectly when Person becomes inactive. I also noticed that, when I add a new Person object using ObjectBrowser, my attribute remains empty.
But if I run the Template calculation manually, it fills correctly my attribute.

Do you have any suggestion?Could you please help?

  • I think you need to add the following line to the template.

    ' $UID_Person$
    If Not $[IsLoaded]:Bool$ Then
        Value = 0
    Else If $IsInactive[c]$ Then
        If $IsInactive:Bool$ Then
            Value = 1
        End If
    End If

    The reason is, that default values will only be calculated if they consist of a single value= statement.

  • I've found a workaround by using Table properties template (OnSaving) for a default value.
    And I kept the attribute (column) template for futher updates:

    Table properties/Script(OnSaving):
    If $<attribute>$ = "" Then
           Base.PutValue("<attribute>", <value>)
    End If

    => which will fill a value when the object is being saved. So it won't be visible on the object when you initiate the creation, but it will be filled once you saved it.

    Column properties:
    If $IsInActive[c]:Bool$ Then
         If $IsInActive:Bool$ Then
               Value = <value>
         End If
    End If

    => which will update this attribute only if Person gets inactive

  • Hello Markus and thanks!

    Unfortunately I'm still getting the same results.

    However, I'm curious, could you please explain what the adding of an object UID, brings to the script's execution?

  • $-Notation in the comments also lead to a notification entry, that is used to build the dependency graph for updating the columns based on other columns.

    And as the PK is something that is changed for new entries, that is something that was used sometimes. But your solution, using the OnSaving script is the more natural solution for me.