SampleCustomizer on Table


In the 'Desiner' in the 'Schema Editor' on the table in the 'Customizer' tab, you can assign your own classes (dll).
I found an example of SampleCustomizer.cs that tells how to implement 'Customizer'.
My question is: How to correctly register my 'Customizer' in the OneIM?

  • It should be possible without a customizer:

    In the template for CCC_isResident do something like 

    Base.Columns("CCC_FirstName_en").MinLen = CInt(IIf($CCC_isResident$, 1, 0))

    Important is the self-reference. It does work for my custom table, but I don't see a reason why it should not work for Person.

    Also you might need to initialize the value in the OnLoaded Script. 

    I vaguely remember that I had to force a re-rendering in the WebPortal, but not sure if that was connected to this.

  • It should be possible without a customizer:

    In the template for CCC_isResident do something like 

    Base.Columns("CCC_FirstName_en").MinLen = CInt(IIf($CCC_isResident$, 1, 0))

    Important is the self-reference. It does work for my custom table, but I don't see a reason why it should not work for Person.

    Also you might need to initialize the value in the OnLoaded Script. 

    I vaguely remember that I had to force a re-rendering in the WebPortal, but not sure if that was connected to this.
