The template (MySQL Template) could not be applied successfully

Dear Identity Manager Expert,

I've not been able to sync with Mysql DB using Synchronization Editor in the last step of creating a sync project (All the previous connection steps did goes well) as i'm trying to sync to OrangeHRM (runing on Oracle Linux 7, MySQL 5.6), I'm accessing DB Instance through MySQL root Account, please find bellow the Error Report and the Crash report :

[2186001] The template (MySQL Template) could not be applied successfully!
    at VI.UI.Wizards.GuiWizardPageHostControl.m_ButtonNext_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at VI.UI.Wizards.Wizard.Finish()
    at VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard.OnFinish()
    at VI.Projector.Templates.ScriptTemplate`1.Apply(TTarget target, Predicate`1 phaseFilter)
[2186005] Error creating the workflows!
    at VI.Projector.Templates.ScriptTemplate`1.Apply(TTarget target, Predicate`1 phaseFilter)
    at VI.Projector.Templates.ShellScriptTemplate.OnApply(IProjectorShell shell, Predicate`1 filter)
[2186023] Error creating synchronization configuration (Initial Synchronization)!
    at VI.Projector.Templates.ShellScriptTemplate.OnApply(IProjectorShell shell, Predicate`1 filter)
    at VI.Projector.Scripting.GeneratedShellTemplate.OnCreateProjectionConfigurations()
Map UserMappings does not exist
    at VI.Projector.Scripting.GeneratedShellTemplate.OnCreateProjectionConfigurations()
    at VI.Projector.Templates.ShellScriptTemplate.CreateInitialImportWorkflow(String name, String display, String[] maps)

Crash report

2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: None, New state: LogicInitialize
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB: Initializing Customizer
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on NamespaceManagedBy CanEdit depends on [IsLoaded], NamespaceManagedBy[o]
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: NamespaceManagedBy CanEdit = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit depends on NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on UsesContainer CanEdit depends on [IsLoaded]
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: UsesContainer CanEdit = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: LogicInitialize, New state: None
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: None, New state: LogicInitialize
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB: Initializing Customizer
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on Read(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled depends on _ReadAvailable
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: Read(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled = False
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on Read(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on _ReadAvailable
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: Read(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: LogicInitialize, New state: None
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: None, New state: LogicInitialize
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB: Initializing Customizer
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: LogicInitialize, New state: None
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Set default values.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Tmpl_UNSRootB_AccountToPersonMatchingRule
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Tmpl_UNSRootB_NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with ReadOnly
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Limited Value with ReadOnly
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.AccountToPersonMatchingRule = <MatchingRules Version="2.0">
    <ObjectClass Name="UNSAccountB">
            <Rule PersonColumn="CentralAccount" ApplyTemplateForPerson="True" AccountColumn="AccountName" AccountTable="UNSAccountB" ApplyTemplateForAccount="True" />

2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.NamespaceManagedBy = ReadOnly
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: None, New state: LogicSetValues
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Customizer SetValueAsync
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit depends on NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on IsMemberOfEnabled SetValue depends on NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: LogicSetValues, New state: None
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with <Key><T>UNSRootB</T><P></P></Key>
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.XObjectKey = <Key><T>UNSRootB</T><P></P></Key>
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with 9dc6fc0a-fa78-4c6e-b48a-abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.UID_UNSRootB = 9dc6fc0a-fa78-4c6e-b48a-abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with <Key><T>UNSRootB</T><P>9dc6fc0a-fa78-4c6e-b48a-abf877e77506</P></Key>
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.XObjectKey = <Key><T>UNSRootB</T><P>9dc6fc0a-fa78-4c6e-b48a-abf877e77506</P></Key>
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Creating new entity done in 2ms.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: None, New state: PermissionBased
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running format script of UNSRootB.Ident_UNSRoot with value: MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Format_UNSRootB_Ident_UNSRoot
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Formatted: MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.Ident_UNSRoot = MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Executing template for UNSRootB.DistinguishedName.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Tmpl_UNSRootB_DistinguishedName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: system=MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running format script of UNSRootB.DistinguishedName with value: system=MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Format_UNSRootB_DistinguishedName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Formatted: system=MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with system=MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.DistinguishedName = system=MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Executing template for UNSRootB.CanonicalName.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Tmpl_UNSRootB_CanonicalName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.CanonicalName = MYSQLUsers_9dc6fc0a_fa78_4c6e_b48a_abf877e77506
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.CanonicalName =
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running format script of UNSRootB.DistinguishedName with value:
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Format_UNSRootB_DistinguishedName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Formatted:
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.DistinguishedName =
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Executing template for UNSRootB.CanonicalName.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Tmpl_UNSRootB_CanonicalName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Value has not changed.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with MYSQL Users OrangeHRM
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.DisplayName = MYSQL Users OrangeHRM
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with VISYNC
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Limited Value with VISYNC
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.NamespaceManagedBy = VISYNC
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: PermissionBased, New state: PermissionBased, LogicSetValues
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Customizer SetValueAsync
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit depends on NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Result: IsMemberOfEnabled CanEdit = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Action on IsMemberOfEnabled SetValue depends on NamespaceManagedBy
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Old state: PermissionBased, LogicSetValues, New state: PermissionBased
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Check and execute column format Single Line with 944beea3-77c4-4b51-9a01-96f36ddad05a
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.UID_DPRNameSpace = 944beea3-77c4-4b51-9a01-96f36ddad05a
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Begin transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    UNSRootB.UsesContainer = True
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running format script of UNSRootB.DistinguishedName with value:
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Running script Format_UNSRootB_DistinguishedName
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Formatted:
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Commit transaction in read/write entity
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (all_privileges) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (user_privileges) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (user) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (all_privileges) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (user_privileges) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    GeneratedShellTemplate    It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (user) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Disconnecting connection Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)...
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnector    Disconnecting target system.
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Connection disconnected successfully (Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)).
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Disconnecting connection Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)...
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Connection disconnected successfully (Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)).
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Disconnecting connection Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)...
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Connection disconnected successfully (Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)).
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Disconnecting connection Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)...
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SystemConnection    Connection disconnected successfully (Database (MySql: OrangeHRM)).
2020-04-04 15:21:40    ObjectLog    Session: Rollback Transaction
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SqlLog    (1 ms) - ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SqlLog    (471 ms) - Physical Transaction
2020-04-04 15:21:40    SqlLog    (471 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2020-04-04 15:21:40    VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr    The template (MySQL Template) could not be applied successfully!
2020-04-04 15:21:49    SqlLog    (20 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
        when exists  (select top  1 1
                    from QBM_VDBQueueContent
                    where UID_Task = 'QBM-K-COMMONWAITFORCOMPILER'
                    ) then 1
        else 0
    end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
    len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
    from      DialogDatabase with (nolock)
    where   IsMainDatabase = 1
2020-04-04 15:22:19    SqlLog    (44 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
        when exists  (select top  1 1
                    from QBM_VDBQueueContent
                    where UID_Task = 'QBM-K-COMMONWAITFORCOMPILER'
                    ) then 1
        else 0
    end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
    len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
    from      DialogDatabase with (nolock)
    where   IsMainDatabase = 1
2020-04-04 15:22:49    SqlLog    (19 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
        when exists  (select top  1 1
                    from QBM_VDBQueueContent
                    where UID_Task = 'QBM-K-COMMONWAITFORCOMPILER'
                    ) then 1
        else 0
    end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
    len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
    from      DialogDatabase with (nolock)
    where   IsMainDatabase = 1

  • What version of OneIM are you using?

    And, can you please clarify what you are trying to synchronize from the OrangeHRM DB? The template you have selected is used for managing database users and their privileges and not specific to OrangeHRM.

  • I'm actually using OIM 8.1 SP2 version, i'm trying to retrieve OrangeHRM DB Tables since i'm using OHRM as my HR authorative source, to do so i've selected the native database connector and choose The MySQL template, i've been able to see all the OHRM tables through the sync project but i got the error abose when i click finish;

    I don't see where i can specify the right template for the specific MySQL OrangeHRM DB and not the Mysql DB Users and privileges.

    Please note that i've already been able to sync to the same OHRM DB last year using OIM version 7.X.

    Could you tell where i can choose the right Template/parameter for this kind of synchronization.

    Thank you

  • I'm actually using OIM 8.1 SP2 version, i'm trying to retrieve OrangeHRM DB Tables since i'm using OHRM as my HR authorative source, to do so i've selected the native database connector and choose The MySQL template, i've been able to see all the OHRM tables through the sync project but i got the error abose when i click finish;

    I don't see where i can specify the right template for the specific MySQL OrangeHRM DB and not the Mysql DB Users and privileges.

    Please note that i've already been able to sync to the same OHRM DB last year using OIM version 7.X.

    Could you tell where i can choose the right Template/parameter for this kind of synchronization.

    Thank you
