Getting UIDs of newly created AttestationCases

Hello Community,

I'm using the method CreateAttestations in a script with an array of objectkeys as input:

Dim arrXObjKey As String() = colObjects.Select(Of String)(Function(t) t.GetValue(Of String)("XObjectKey")).ToArraySmart()
Dim policy As IEntity = Session.Source.Get("AttestationPolicy", uidAttestPolicy)

policy.CallMethod("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey)

As I understand, the method CreateAttestations returns the objectkeys of the newly created AttestationCases. My question: what is the correct way to get these return values? I tried something like this, but i keep getting error messages:

Dim arrNewXObjKeys As String() = CStr(policy.CallMethod("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey)).ToArraySmart

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


  • If you look at the signature of the method you will see that it returns an array of type DBObjectKey. You can get the XML-XObjectKey from the DBObject with the ToXML method.

    And, you need to use the CallFunction method instead of CallMethod.

    Dim arrNewXObjKeys As DbObjectKey() = CType(policy.CallFunction("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey), DbObjectKey())
    Dim xObjectKey As String = arrNewXObjKeys(0).ToXmlString()

  • Hi Markus,

    sorry for the late reply. I tried your solution, unfortunately I'm getting the error message "Functions can only be called in interactive entities". Here's the section getting the error message:

    Dim arrXObjKey As String() = colObjects.Select(Of String)(Function(t) t.GetValue(Of String)("XObjectKey")).ToArraySmart()
    Dim policy As IEntity = Session.Source.Get("AttestationPolicy", uidAttestPolicy)
    Dim colObjKeyAttCase As DbObjectKey() = CType(policy.CallFunction("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey), DbObjectKey())

    Do you have any idea what's causing is error?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi Markus,

    sorry for the late reply. I tried your solution, unfortunately I'm getting the error message "Functions can only be called in interactive entities". Here's the section getting the error message:

    Dim arrXObjKey As String() = colObjects.Select(Of String)(Function(t) t.GetValue(Of String)("XObjectKey")).ToArraySmart()
    Dim policy As IEntity = Session.Source.Get("AttestationPolicy", uidAttestPolicy)
    Dim colObjKeyAttCase As DbObjectKey() = CType(policy.CallFunction("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey), DbObjectKey())

    Do you have any idea what's causing is error?

    Thanks in advance!

