Hello Community,
I'm using the method CreateAttestations in a script with an array of objectkeys as input:
.. Dim arrXObjKey As String() = colObjects.Select(Of String)(Function(t) t.GetValue(Of String)("XObjectKey")).ToArraySmart() Dim policy As IEntity = Session.Source.Get("AttestationPolicy", uidAttestPolicy) policy.CallMethod("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey) policy.Save(Session) ...
As I understand, the method CreateAttestations returns the objectkeys of the newly created AttestationCases. My question: what is the correct way to get these return values? I tried something like this, but i keep getting error messages:
Dim arrNewXObjKeys As String() = CStr(policy.CallMethod("CreateAttestations", arrXObjKey)).ToArraySmart
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,