Version 7.1.5 Error after Upgrade (Modules), DB queue not processing

Hi ,

I added AAD and Exchange online modules on my existing One ID environment.
So while upgrading the DB, I got the below issue and then ran the below commands.

DB successfully updated with new tables,restarted my job service and after that no new calculation is processed.

Checked DB Connection, Job service pointing location all looks good. Please advise 



  • Why do you think that you need to run the statements from the knowledge base article in the first place? The article quotes a different error message "Database error 50000: Cannot enable broker because of other users are active." which does not appear in your log.

    The error in your log appears because the system still thinks it is running in single-user mode due to the migration.

    I suggest checking the columns DialogDatabase.SingleUserProcess and DialogDatabase.SingleUserStart. They are normally set to 0 and Null respectively.

    By the way, while the update is running, the message in the log is totally normal as the migration turns on the single-user mode.

  • Hi Markus,

    As I said above, while upgrading the DB, I got this error "Database error 50000: Cannot enable broker because of other users are active." .
    Then as per knowledge article I followed the steps and then continued with the upgrade and successfully completed.

    I can see DialogDatabase.SingleUserProcess and DialogDatabase.SingleUserStart values are 0 and Null. 

    Any other check/workaround to solve this.



  • Did you check the database journal for any issues? If in doubt, contact support.

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