Report in a attestation pass parameter to report

Hello, I built a report and want to attach it to a certain attestations case. I put the report in the attestation procedure. I also setup a specific mail template that states to attach the report. Can anyone tell me what else I need to consider? The report is good and I have tested it and I'm able to get data I just cannot seem to see where else i need to config the attestation to pass the parameter for the report.

I currently get this error... ErrorMessages (2020-07-09 22:06:31.187) [1123010] Missing value for mandatory parameter ObjectKeyBase.

Any help is appreciated.


  • As described here the report needs to contain a parameter called ObjectKeyBase that will be filled with the XObjectKey of the attested object, in your case an AD group.

    In short:

    • The base table for the report must be identical to the one for the attestation procedure.

    • Enter Attestation as the report category. This ensures that the report is displayed in the Report menu of the attestation procedure.

    • In order to create a report for each attestation object with the information relating exactly to the attestation object, define a ObjectKeyBase parameter for the attestation object in the report. Use the parameters in the data source definition for the report in Condition text box.

      Example: XObjectKey = @ObjectKeyBase

  • Markus,

    After Looking further at the configurations and the document it seems all is correct.

    I'm not sure what else I could be missing. I still get the error from the attestation.

    ErrorMessages (2020-07-10 18:51:47.360) [1123010] Missing value for mandatory parameter ObjectKeyBase.

    I have this portion figured out.

    In order to create a report for each attestation object with the information relating exactly to the attestation object, define a ObjectKeyBase parameter for the attestation object in the report. Use the parameters in the data source definition for the report in Condition text box.

    Example: XObjectKey = @ObjectKeyBase

    I think i have all i need for this to work.

    Should i log a support ticket at this point?




  • Is the base table for the report identical to the one for the attestation procedure?

    Do you get the error message during the creation of the attestation case or in the process that tried to send the report as an email attachment?

  • Markus,

    I was able to resolve this. i had to add the parameter to the process orchestration to pickup the report.

    I added...

    ParamName2: Value = "ObjectKeyBase".

    ParamValue2: Value = $FK(UID_AttestationCase).ObjectKey1$

    Once i did this i added a check step to send the report only when needed. In pre-script

    If $FK(UID_AttestationCase).UID_AttestationPolicy$ = "1d07d352-9cbb-4928-aa36-971b184e66c1" and $FK(UID_AttestationCase).FK(ObjectKeyBase),ADSGroup.CCC_MemberExempt:Bool$ Then
    values("SendReport") = "YES"
    values("SendReport") = "NO"
    End If

    With two following steps one with the parameters above and one without.Then a Generating condition of: Value = CStr(values("SendReport")) = "YES" or Value = CStr(values("SendReport")) = "NO"

    Thank you, Lu

  • Markus,

    I was able to resolve this. i had to add the parameter to the process orchestration to pickup the report.

    I added...

    ParamName2: Value = "ObjectKeyBase".

    ParamValue2: Value = $FK(UID_AttestationCase).ObjectKey1$

    Once i did this i added a check step to send the report only when needed. In pre-script

    If $FK(UID_AttestationCase).UID_AttestationPolicy$ = "1d07d352-9cbb-4928-aa36-971b184e66c1" and $FK(UID_AttestationCase).FK(ObjectKeyBase),ADSGroup.CCC_MemberExempt:Bool$ Then
    values("SendReport") = "YES"
    values("SendReport") = "NO"
    End If

    With two following steps one with the parameters above and one without.Then a Generating condition of: Value = CStr(values("SendReport")) = "YES" or Value = CStr(values("SendReport")) = "NO"

    Thank you, Lu
