VI_UserRegistration_Web compiler error since migration


since the migration to 8.1.2 we have a compiler error in VI_UserRegistration_Web that we cannot understand because it was never used or extended.

2020-09-30 09:24:36 +02:00 - Serious -         Error in CCC_Start, nodes VI.WebDesigner.Definition.Components.VirtualFunctionMapping: The collection countopendatabaseitems could not be found.
    [VI.WebDesigner.WebDesignerException] The collection countopendatabaseitems could not be found.
2020-09-30 09:24:36 +02:00 - Serious -         Error in CCC_Start, nodes VI.WebDesigner.Definition.Components.VirtualFunctionMapping: The collection countopendatabaseitems could not be found.
    [VI.WebDesigner.WebDesignerException] The collection countopendatabaseitems could not be found.
2020-09-30 09:24:36 +02:00 - Serious -         Error in CCC_Application_Onboarding, nodes Update Vars.Script: The function CCC_OnBoardApplication is not defined.

So is there a way to fix or disable the user Registration Project? Because it isn't very nice that there is an "big" error at every compile where the web is included.
