SCIM - Updating a multi-value

Hi all

In a target system SCIM, there is a multi-value attribute for phoineNumbers. One is of type work, and the other is mobile.

Does anyone have any idea on how to make that work with updating both attributes with the correct numbers corresponding to the correct type?

I've tried a multi-value of the two phone numbers, and one with four values ("work", work-number, "mobile", mobile number). It does however not work, since only the mobile is updated and in the wrong place.

Any help is appreciated.

We're running Identity Manager 8.1.4.


Parents Reply Children
  • I created three virtual attributes, vrtPhoneNumbers, vrtPhoneTypes, vrtPhoneValues (all three Script property, string and multi-value)


    Dim Phone As String
    Dim Mobile As String
    If $Phone$ <> "" Or $Phone$ is nothing Then
    	Phone = $Phone$
    	Phone = "0"
    End If
    If $Mobile$ <> "" Or $Mobile$ is nothing Then
    	Mobile = $Mobile$
    	Mobile = "0"
    End If
    Dim PhoneNumbers As String() = {"work", Phone, "mobile", Mobile}
    Return PhoneNumbers


    Dim PhoneTypes As String()
    If $Phone$.Length > 0 AndAlso $Mobile$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneTypes = { "work", "mobile" }
    ElseIf $Phone$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneTypes = { "work" }
    ElseIf $Mobile$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneTypes = { "mobile" }
    End If
    Return PhoneTypes


    Dim PhoneValues As String()
    If $Phone$.Length > 0 AndAlso $Mobile$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneValues = { $Phone$, $Mobile$ }
    ElseIf $Phone$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneValues = { $Phone$ }
    ElseIf $Mobile$.Length > 0 Then
    	PhoneValues = { $Mobile$ }
    End If
    Return PhoneValues

    Then I mapped them like this:

    vrtPhoneNumbers <-> phoneNumbers
    vrtPhoneTypes <-> phoneNumbers~type
    vrtPhoneValues <-> phoneNumbers~value



  • Thanks a lot for sharing! Great to hear it did work.

    Did you also have to write data back into OIM, did you need to have Write scripts?

  • Sorry, I'm in no need of writing phone numbers back to Identity Manager..